We are very proud to have won the 2024 MATRIX INNOVATION AWARD. Click here for details

We are a team of 37 including 19 qualified Engineers and Certified Welders, 7 apprentices, 3 Design Engineers, 3 Inhouse LT400 Certifiers and 5 Management, Admin & Support staff. Meet some of our key staff…

Paul Christie

Company Director & Designer

027 559 2845

  • Transport Engineer
  • Fitter Welder
  • Motor Body Builder 
  • LTSA Approved Certifier


Rochelle Williamson

General Manager

09 470 0850

  • Rochelle has been at Ten4 since the beginning
  • She helped to design the systems & structure
  • Health & Safety, HR

Opura Rima

Operations Manager

021 280 7330

  • Over 30 years' experience in the Heavy Transport Industry

Gareth Eady

Repairs & Maintenance Manager

027 444 2812

  • Transport Engineer
  • Heavy Fabricator
  • LTSA Approved Certifier


Shaun Dodd

Manufacturing Manager

021 173 0134

  • Heavy Fabricator
  • Qualified Welder NZSW1554

Glenn Scoles

Design Engineer

021 393 412

  • Heavy Fabricator
  • Profile & Plate Processing
  • Solidworks Design Tech

Vicki Christie

HR & Admin

09 470 0850

  • Company Director
  • HR
  • Health & Safety